Our Maternity Hospital is a Department of the “University Hospital Brno”. We operate out of two sites: Obilní trh (“The Grain Market”) and Bohunice. We care for pregnant women and oversee safe childbirth, while our experienced qualified midwives facilitate natural births. The Department is a fully equipped specialized workplace for high-risk pregnancies and births with a medical team that provides the highest-level care. Our mission is to meet family needs and fulfill childbirth visions.
Brno Maternity
We Provide
Bohunice Department
+420 606 718 041
Call at 8:00–12:00 and 12:30–15:30
Jihlavská 20, 625 00, Brno,
pavilion Z
Obilni trh Department
+420 608 561 994
Call at 8:00–12:00 and 12:30–15:30
Obilní trh 11, 602 00, Brno
Additional Services
To arrange these supplementary services, contact our chief midwife PhDr. Miloslava Kameníková: kamenikova.miloslava@fnbrno.cz
24 Hour
Emergency Service
Bohunice Department
Jihlavská 20, 625 00, Brno,
pavilion Z
+420 532 233 962
Obilni trh Department
Obilní trh 11, 602 00, Brno
+420 532 238 440
Health Care Terms for European Union Citizens
When visiting our Maternity Hospital for a scheduled check-up or delivery, bring along your European Health Insurance Card and certificate approving requested care - form S2 (E112).
If insured by a Czech health insurance company, make sure this coverage provides you with insurance policy number and certificate of payment for childbirth care. This document should also include specific information about childcare payment.
With emergency acute treatment, hospital staff will be available to assist patients with arranging insurance coverage documentation.
If an insurance company does not cover care costs, the patient will be held responsible for all charges incurred, and the bill for services must be settled directly with the hospital.
Health Care Terms for Non-EU Citizens
For employees with the (green insurance card), care including childbirth is covered. However, this coverage does not pay for childcare. If the child’s father is a permanent Czech resident with Czech health insurance, childcare would then be covered by his insurance provider. Otherwise, individual patients must pay our hospital directly for childcare.
With established commercial health insurance (either private or employee-based) we recommend clarifying insurance company coverage before visiting our hospital. The terms of your policy should detail the scope of coverage available for you and your child.
Without health care insurance, the patient pays the cost of care directly to the hospital.
For further information: